In a time of controversial enforcement acts against the gaming industry, gambling has become a taboo, even a felony in one state, and money-transferring companies are now banning U.S. players for fear of getting busted and severely ... President Harry Truman used to combine alcohol with poker in his long boat vacations, and it is said that ?while he told most reporters his main goal was to get some sleep and drink some Kentucky bourbon, he also spends hours playing poker ...
John William Rodriguez, 31, was arrested Wednesday and faces 13 charges of bfelony/b fraud schemes, state public safety officials said. Paris' mayor confers certificate of honorary citizenship on the Dalai Lama b..../b dione4b youth bhostels/b paris france ~ cheap bhostels/b in Biarritz france ~ cheap bhotels/b paris france ~ France bhostels/b accommodation France is one of the most popular Business, leisure and tourist destinations in the world, from bustling cities like Paris, ...
22-yr old Angels pitcher Nick Adenhart was killed shortly after Midnight earlier today in a bfelony/b hit and run accident. Adenhart, who had thrown six shutout innings in his star against the Oakland A's Wednesday night, was traveling ...